Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Storm 2008 - Bellevue

Here are some pix and video of te Snow Storm 2008. The green spoon is a reference for the depth of snow at 8:30am.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Turkey - By Kenzie

This is a story written by Kenzie (8) for her class. Enjoy!!


On Thanks giving Day I McTurkey ran around the cage and, while I rant I shook like a chihauha and I screamed I screamed saying "They're coming They're coming!" At 11:00 I heard them coming and so I hid like I was playing hide and go seek. But then they found me. They put me to sleep. When I awoke I saw a giant knife, but then I heard somewon or something...

It was "Super Turky coming to me resciu!" I alwas wanted to meet Super Turkey. But he was not fast enough I was dead when he found me. So you were listening to this story from Dr. Phils stomache. Happy Thanksgiving Day my peeps. P.s. how about next time we have chicken.