Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Storm 2008 - Bellevue

Here are some pix and video of te Snow Storm 2008. The green spoon is a reference for the depth of snow at 8:30am.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Turkey - By Kenzie

This is a story written by Kenzie (8) for her class. Enjoy!!


On Thanks giving Day I McTurkey ran around the cage and, while I rant I shook like a chihauha and I screamed I screamed saying "They're coming They're coming!" At 11:00 I heard them coming and so I hid like I was playing hide and go seek. But then they found me. They put me to sleep. When I awoke I saw a giant knife, but then I heard somewon or something...

It was "Super Turky coming to me resciu!" I alwas wanted to meet Super Turkey. But he was not fast enough I was dead when he found me. So you were listening to this story from Dr. Phils stomache. Happy Thanksgiving Day my peeps. P.s. how about next time we have chicken.

Friday, November 7, 2008

A Smashing Success

Zachary succeeded in smashing into the corner of a wall while falling down after dancing and spinning in the house. This earned him a trip to the Urgent Care and 7 stitches. We expect to be making him wear a helmet around the house soon if this keeps up.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Zach goes Rap

Just some pix of Zach doing his best rap impression.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Zachary Starts School

Zachary and I are in a cooperative preschool on Tues and Fri mornings. Some of the days I am in the classroom with him, and other days I get to go away and have alone time. Here are some pictures of his first day.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Michael Preaches

Hello all. On July 20th, Michael preached a sermon at our church entitled "Relative Choice". You can hear it online if you'd like, its very good, at

The sequence is out of order, but look for July 20th.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Schools Back!!

For those unaware, the Bellevue School District teachers went on strike for 9 days. But at least in the meantime, we got to go to the Puyallup Fair on a cheap day (Monday) since the kids weren't in school. (see previous blog)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Roller Coaster Movies - Beware

Above is all 3 on a kids roller coaster (none of the ones of Kenzie and Matt on the Big Kids roller coaster are any good, it was too fast).

Below should be Kenzie and Matt on the "Swings"

Did The Puyallup!!!

For those of you who do not know, "The Puyallup" refers to the Puyallup Fair. Ads always suggest "Do the Puyallup", so with no school still, that's just what the kids and I did (Mike had to work). Here are some of the highlights of our journey.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Field Day at Puesta del Sol

These are from Field Day at the school in June.

Summer Boredom Beaters

Here are some videos the kids made. Hope you enjoy!